His Wife
Her Life
His Journey
Elizabeth Burrows, originally from London, was born in 1876
in Notting Hill.
One of eight children, her mother and father, William and Jessie Burrows, were
both London cab proprietors and drivers (horse and carriage, not motor cars).
Their earnings were meagre, the family lived hand-to-mouth. In 1891 Elizabeth,
aged 15 and her elder sister Jessie aged
23, were domestic servants in London, Jessie was a cook and Elizabeth a
housemaid. Both worked together in Fairfax Terrace, Putney.
Elizabeth’s sister, Jessie had married in September 1897
to George Washington Rackstraw in Fulham, within a year their first child was
born, they called her Vera Rackstraw.
Although there had been a number of arguments with her sister Jessie, it wasn’t
long before Elizabeth took the bold step of sailing to India with a view to
improving her financial situation as well as putting some much need space
between her and her sister. Elizabeth also naturally wanted to try and help her
family financially. Perhaps because
she’d heard that there was a ratio of
more men than women out there, Elizabeth understood the value of such an
adventure. She went looking for a husband. Not an uncommon thing for some women
to do, this was called the fishing fleet of colonial India. Thousands of
women made the journey, many of them were successful in their mission.
Image courtesy of Zenon Moucessian
Forty years of age, Carr Lazarus Phillipps walked into the Bristol Hotel in
Calcutta and met a 24 year old barmaid.

Image: The Bristol Hotel, Calcutta. Wikimedia Commons
Her name was Elizabeth Burrows. He became acquainted with her very quickly and
it was only after knowing her for only 3 or 4 months that he proposed. After their engagement, and to be publicly
seen to be doing the respectable thing, Carr paid for her to be a resident
boarder at the very hotel she had worked as a barmaid, she received an
allowance from him of 85 Rupees a month with board and lodging during her stay
at the Bristol Hotel. She had fished, and hooked a man of potential.

They were married at the Armenian Church in Calcutta on the 4th
September 1900. Their witnesses were J.C. Galstaun (a doyen of Armenians in
Calcutta) and C.M. Carapiet a fellow railway contractor. Following the marriage, Carr and Elizabeth
went to live at Carr’s coal colliery in Kusunda near Dhanbad, about 175 miles
from Calcutta. She had literally gone
from the pits of London to the pits in India; but her prospects and stars were
very much on the rise. Her transformation into one of societies ladies was
rapid, she quickly became a fashionista, her clothes were made by the finest
dressmakers with some of the best silks available; her custom was sought-after,
she and Carr lived a very comfortable life.
He had not been overly well off when they first married, although he was
in a far better position financially than her own family in London. His hard
work in the coalfields meant that his modest living standards in Calcutta were
firmly behind him as the success of his coal business flourished at a rapid
Eighteen months after the wedding in Calcutta, Carr and Elizabeth sailed to
England to visit her family. Departing
from Bombay in April 1902, they travelled on board the Victoria. Having
spent 5 months in England, they returned to India in September of that year. Travelling
with them was one of Elizabeth’s sisters, probably Fanny, and also a
maid/servant for Elizabeth.
They spent four years living at the Kusunda colliery before Carr decided in
1904, he would make the move back to Calcutta and find a home to settle in with
Elizabeth. They settle at 4 Alipore
Lane, and in the meantime, he was not only supporting Elizabeth, he was also
regularly sending money back to London to support her parents and siblings. Had
it not been for his intervention, her family would have had to consider
workhouse options – there may have been no alternative. Carr ensured that did
not happen, and her father, William, no longer had to drive cabs.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth’s sister Jessie and her husband George Rackstraw even
included the name Carr for one of their children. George Carr Lewis Rackstraw
was born in London on 4th April 1901,
but unfortunately he passed away just a few months later.
In 1902 Jessie and George had another child called Beryl; in 1904 another
daughter, Bertha came along; in 1906 a third daughter, Margaret Fanny was born
and finally in 1911 a son, George Henry Rackstraw. Jessie and George were
finding it difficult to look after all the children and so it was decided that
Carr and Elizabeth would adopt young Bertha Rackstraw and bring her up in

Bertha Rackstraw, briefly became known by the surname Phillipps, then reverted
to Rackstraw. Taken in 1909.
Jessie travelled to Calcutta around 1907 with Bertha, accompanied by Jessie’s
youngest brother, Robert Burrows. The
experience of the journey, coupled with the complete change of lifestyle in
India, can only make one wonder at their reactions on their arrival. They were
all staying with Carr and Elizabeth at the house he had purchased, 4 Alipore
Lane, but he was already planning on building a bigger, more elegant home so
all her family could live with them.
Around 1907 when Carr had resettled in Calcutta, he and Elizabeth and another
of her visiting sisters from England called Fanny Burrows, all took a trip to
Darjeeling during the Pooja where they
were introduced to Joseph Arnowitz, a solicitor based in Calcutta. He had been
widowed in July 1906, when his dear wife, an Armenian named Helen nee Arratoon,
had died of cardiac failure at their family home, 12 Lindsay Street.
Simple family tree chart showing the connections between Phillipps, Burrows, Rackstraw and Arnowitz/Arnott
Arnowitz And The Armenian Connection
Extraordinary things happened in India, and the young 22 year old
solicitor’s assistant, Joseph Arnowitz married the 44 year old widow Helen in
May 1893.
Helen and Joseph had no
children of their own, he was technically step-father to her children with her
late husband, but they were all well into their respective adulthood, so any
parental responsibilities were extremely minimal. Helen had had eight children
during her first marriage to fellow Armenian, Hovannes Catchatoor Owen.
Hovannes had been a Chief Interpreter of the
High Court in Calcutta, but he had died in February 1891 of what one can only
imagine to be the most painful of deaths; gangrene of the scrotum.
Joseph Arnowitz would unwittingly, go on to play a pivotal role in the
breakdown and downfall of the marriage between Carr and Elizabeth.
In 1907 on returning from Darjeeling, where Carr and Joseph had become friends,
Joseph received an invitation to Carr and Elizabeth’s home in Alipore Lane.
They were reciprocally invited by Joseph on a couple of river picnics. The
boats were owned by Joseph’s long-time friend, George Batho, and it was on one
of these picnics that Batho paid too much attention to Elizabeth. Carr was
furious, and incandescent with jealousy. He remonstrated with Elizabeth,
telling her to behave properly and not chat and giggle with bachelor
The next large group social occasion
they all met was on Christmas day in 1907 at Carr’s house.
There, Joseph announced his engagement to
Fanny Burrows, Elizabeth’s sister. A just cause for celebration, the champagne
was brought out, and much merriment and congratulations took place, including
congratulatory kisses amongst everyone.
Carr was extremely unhappy with all the familiarity, and particularly as Batho
had kissed Elizabeth, even though he had asked permission of Carr, who politely
said yes, but was seething that Batho had done so. After this incident
Elizabeth, giddy from the flirtatious attentions of Batho, conducted a secret
and torrid liaison with him for nearly two years, culminating in her being
accused of adultery and she subsequently admitting it.
During the down-swing of Carr’s marriage, Joseph Arnowitz was at the other end
of the scale.
He married Elizabeth’s
sister, Fanny on the 22
nd February 1908 at St. Paul’s Cathedral,
Calcutta. Witnesses were C.W. Foley and Carr Phillipps. Exactly nine months
later, Joseph’s first child was born. Betty Arnowitz arrived on the 24
November 1908, she was baptised on 13
th February 1909 at St. Paul’s
Although Carr’s marriage faltered over a period of a couple of years, he had sincerely
hoped things would turn around. Despite these uncertain circumstances, and
forever the optimist,
in May 1909 he continued
to build the dream family home at 38 Theatre Road.
It was never to be a happy place for him
whilst married to Elizabeth.
By June
1909 Carr had instigated a Deed of Separation, due to her unacceptable
behaviour. Even when Carr removed Elizabeth and little Bertha from the house in
Alipore Lane, Elizabeth continued to see Batho for long periods of time.
Sometimes in rooms he had taken or on river boats where their closeness was
witnessed by servants.
Those same
servants, and others, including the landlords of Batho’s rooms; the hotel staff
at Spencers Hotel where Elizabeth was staying, and other individuals, such as
Joseph Arnowitz
were brought to Court by
Carr Phillipps as part of his divorce case against his wife.
It was a testing and a highly charged
emotional time.
Carr had to withstand
the indignation and embarrassment of having his entire married life scrutinised
in court; re-living the ultimate betrayal of Elizabeth and listen to witness
after witness giving evidence of her indiscretions.
Carr had also received an anonymous letter giving details of Elizabeth’s trists
with Batho. During the course of the divorce hearing it was stated that Carr
had confronted Elizabeth with the letter and an argument ensued. She said she
wanted to see friends, go out without him, that she had made a mistake marrying
him, wanted her freedom, she had passions and that Batho could give her as good
a home as Carr.
Elizabeth wanted to go
and live in England, away and apart from Carr, but wanted him to make her an
He disagreed.
It was stated that in the
two year
period of marital uncertainty Elizabeth had left Carr and returned to England
and her family, and then she went back to India to fight the case.
A few months later, after Carr had had a
change of heart and forgiven her; he had hoped that life could return to
“normal”. But it was not to be, and Elizabeth continued to see Batho at every
opportunity she could, regularly meeting in secret.
A number of servants testified they had
witnessed the meetings, one testimony of a servant included reference to her
own brother, Robert, who had also witnessed his sister meeting Batho, but
failing to tell Carr.
In May 1909 it was
reported that Elizabeth had undergone an operation, the implication being that
she had an abortion, although this was never clearly stated during the Court
proceedings, only lightly touched on. Carr hired private detectives to follow
her both in India and later in England. On receiving the necessary, but
extremely upsetting proof, he once again banished her from the family home,
giving her only 20 minutes to leave for good.
This was the 31 May 1909 and although it was no doubt a very difficult
time for Carr, one’s thoughts turn to the innocent Bertha, whose life was
turned upside-down because of Elizabeth’s actions.
In pain, exasperation and defeat, Phillipps wrote in a letter to Elizabeth:
have raised you from the gutter and from the depths of degradation and made a
queen of you, and this is how you repay me. May God curse you.”
The judge in the case agreed that Elizabeth had indeed committed adultery
on numerous occasions with Batho and awarded Carr the divorce he applied
The judge also made Batho pay the
legal costs of the case to Carr, which amounted to the staggering sum of £7,500
the equivalent today of around £800,000.
Even though Batho professed his love for Elizabeth and promised her the earth
and world during their long affair, he did not follow through and they did not
marry, as she had thought they might.
Carr removed all financial help he had put in place for Elizabeth’s
family back in London, including assistance
to her father William Burrows who had spent the 10 years that Elizabeth
was married to Carr not having to work or worry about money.
That avenue of help was well and truly
closed. Carr appears to have been a little more lenient when it came to Bertha;
she can be found in the 1911 census still using the surname Phillipps
and attending Addiscombe College in Sussex as
a 6 year old pupil. With her at that school is her older sister Vera Rackstraw
aged 12, I would think it very unlikely that Elizabeth would have been able to
afford the education of two children,
Carr is likely to have paid for their
education there.
Elizabeth and Carr’s divorce became final and dissolved with a decree absolute
being issued in September 1911. Elizabeth had long ago realised, but alas too
late, that she had bitten the hand that fed her, and gamely launched an appeal
against the divorce, hoping to somehow reverse the decision, but it was in
vain, and in February 1912 she and her legal team quietly withdrew the appeal.
Life changed enormously for all the Burrows clan. William’s wife, Jessie had
died in 1907. By 1911 William was living with another of his daughters, Annie
Jane who was married to florist, William Henry Grove and their two
By 1915, at the age of 70,
William Burrows had taken on the license as publican at the Five Bells, St.
Mary Cray, Kent. Assisted by his son Robert, (who had been out in India with
Elizabeth and Fanny), Robert was now married to Margaret and had 3 children of
his own. The family had moved away from cab driving (a dying industry at the
time, because of the popularity and development of the London tube network) and
changed course to ale houses. William Burrows died at the aged of 86 in 1932 at
the Five Bells pub he ran with Robert.
After the death of his father, Robert took over the license and
continued it under his own name. Sadly, Robert died suddenly in 1935, all his
siblings, (including Elizabeth) their respective husbands and wives as well as
their children attended the funeral. Life had not been easy or kind to William
and made worse by the poor judgment and decisions of Elizabeth.
Although she was probably still reeling from the public and humiliating
stinging she received in the High Court in Calcutta during her prominent
divorce hearing, by December 1915 Elizabeth had met and married another
gentleman in Barnes, Surrey. The wedding was at Richmond Registry Office. He
was Glasgow born John Thomson, a bank official with the Guaranty Trust Company
of New York, based in London. John was 28 years of age, but Elizabeth, who was
clearly thinking on her feet, stated she was 32 years of age, when in fact she
was 39. Where the old marriage was ended on a lie, the new marriage was started
on one. Quite curiously the marriage record states she was known as “Betty
Vernon Phillipps” but it also does clearly say “the divorced wife of Carr
Lazarus Phillipps”. She was not baptised with the middle name “Vernon”, so it’s
a mystery as to why she inserted that into her name string.
Remarkably, at the age of 41, Elizabeth had a child with John in 1918. Robert
William Thomson was born in East Sheen, Surrey.
Elizabeth, John and baby Robert lived briefly in Kent, but by 1923 the
family had purchased 61 Castelnau, Barnes, Surrey which would become their
family home.
Elizabeth’s life was quintessentially English compared to the chaotic one she
had in India.
Rehabilitating herself
into a more settled, normal married life, she regularly held whist and bridge
drives at her home Castelnau in aid of the Children’s Holiday Fund organised by
the London branch of the British Legion.
It would seem that she was also a canny property owner; her will reveals
she was the owner of the family
home at 61 Castelnau and in addition, she rented out a second property of hers
in Grosvenor Gardens, East Sheen. She died in the West London Hospital on 7
September 1962.These properties and her residue estate were left to her husband
and her son. She did, however, leave legacies to her niece Betty Reason
(daughter of Joseph and Fanny Arnott, previously Arnowitz); her sisters Annie Jane
Grove and Louie Silken; other family mentioned in the will were nieces Betty
Reason, Doris Dolan (daughter of Annie Jane nee Burrows), Vera Rackstraw
(daughter of Jessie Ann nee Burrows), Jessie Burrows and Margaret Burrows.

The back of the photo showing the date Carr received the image 9
April 1911, and in pencil, presumably the date it was taken; 22.8.09. Images
courtesy of Zenon Moucessian’s family archive
As far as Bertha, her adopted daughter who was also her niece, is concerned,
what we have here is simply quite astonishing. This photograph, an image of
beautiful young Bertha was sent to Carr, probably by Elizabeth, in 1911, and
has survived all this time as an unidentified child in the photographs
inherited by Carr’s family in the USA.
was able to identify it, because it came with another photo of Bertha as an
young woman and I was able to compare it to one I had seen previously of Bertha
taken around the time she married.
I am
truly grateful to Zenon Moucessian for sharing his family archive and papers
with me, and for his enduring patience, while I ask endless questions over
By 1921, Bertha had returned to her mother’s (Jessie Rackstraw) home; a pub
called The Limes in Maidenhead. She had also reverted to her birth name of
Rackstraw, abandoning the adopted name of Phillipps. By 1924 Bertha had married
Frederick John Adams and they were living in South West England. Sadly, Bertha
died in 1927, aged 23 years, in Devon.
The instigator of Carr Phillipps’s marriage woes, Joseph Arnowitz had moved his
wife Fanny (Elizabeth’s sister) and children to England.
Not far from Elizabeth, Fanny rented a
property in East Sheen on the 20
th December 1915 for an agreed
period of three years.
However, Fanny
went over that agreed timeline.
landlord served her a notice to quit in September 1919, but Fanny dug her heels
in and refused to move.
In court, the
landlord stated his case, saying he and his wife and 5 children wanted to move
into the property but were being prevented by Mrs. Arnowitz. Fanny didn’t
actually appear in Court herself, she was in Calcutta, her solicitor
represented her and said that she had gone to India with one of her children,
leaving the other two behind in the care of a sister, Mrs. Louisa Zilken who
was living in the house. The judge felt that the sister caring for the
remaining children should not be moved on and they should continue to be safely
housed whilst Fanny was abroad.

Joseph Arnowitz, later known as Arnott.
Image: Full acknowledgement to and courtesy of a MyHeritage
public family tree of Richard F. Maidment
Joseph and the family eventually settled in Upper Richmond Road, East Sheen and
by November 1931 he had officially applied for a change of name by Deed Poll.
He and his family were to be known as Arnott instead of Arnowitz.

Fanny Arnowitz later known as Arnott nee Burrows, sister of Elizabeth.
Image: Full acknowledgement to and courtesy of a MyHeritage public family tree
of Richard F. Maidment
Fanny died at the Nettlesworth Nursing Home in Hurstpierpoint, Sussex on 21
February 1949, her husband, Joseph Arnott, was executor of her estate. Joseph
passed away on the 30
th June 1952 at Putney Hospital, London.
David George Jackson, husband of daughter
Joan, was executor of his estate.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth and John Thomson remained at their home Castelnau. Their
son Robert had married in February 1940 to Joan Palmer, the newly weds set up
home at the rented house belonging to his mother Elizabeth in Grosvenor
It was a very short lived
marriage, Robert went abroad in 1943 and
before going, it was noted in the divorce proceedings that “he had trouble with
his wife over men”. On returning to England in January 1945, he discovered
Joan’s adultery with an American army officer who was also living in Barnes,
Robert filed for divorce which was granted in 1946, there were no children. He
went on to marry Beatrice Firth later in 1946. They lived briefly in New
Zealand for a couple of years in the early 1950s, and in the 1960s moved to New
York with their two children. Robert and Beatrice became naturalised American
citizens in April 1966 and Robert passed away in December 1987 in New Jersey.
Beatrice died a few years ago.
Elizabeth’s 2
nd husband, John Thomson, passed away at the family
home, 61 Castelnau on the 16
th August 1966 of a perforated colon due
to a carcinoma of the rectum. Son, Robert was the informant on the death
With his painful and acutely embarrassing divorce behind him, Carr Lazarus Phillipps
continued to live and thrive in Calcutta. In 1911 he was one of three
overseeing managers of the Armenian College & Philanthropic Academy,
J.C.Galstaun and P.H. Crete being the other two and all were family
inter-linked to each other.
In 1919 he
was excited at the thought of building a new school in the Indian hills for
and Anglo-Indian children.
I wrote about this a couple of years ago, you
can see the blog story on this
The house that Carr Phillipps built, at enormous personal expense, to
enable his [ex]wife and her large family from London to live with them in
Calcutta, held a host of unpleasant memories for him. 38 Theatre Road,
Calcutta, remained his home for a number of years, accommodating visiting
family from Julfa on occasions, as well as generously offering it and the
grounds for community events, it was a bitter-sweet place in his life.

In 1914, Carr held the wedding reception of his niece,
Margaret Galoostian at 38 Theatre Road, although the invitations were in the
names of Mr. & Mrs. Phillipps, I think adding “Mrs.” was more for formality
than reality, the wedding photograph does not include Mrs. Phillipps. Witnesses
at the wedding of Margaret and Movcesse Movcessian were G.A. Phillipps (Carr’s
nephew) and Valarshak Galoostian, a teacher at the Armenian College &
Philanthropic Academy who was also the bride’s brother.
A note on Valarshak
Galoostian. At 16, he had been a student at the Armenian
College in 1901. his “parent/guardian” was noted as Carr Lazarus
Phillips, meaning he fully funded and sponsored his schooling.
Prior to the Armenian College Valarshak had been
educated at St. Xavier’s School, Calcutta. I estimate that period would be from
1891-1901. An incident in 1907 was to see his abrupt departure from
Calcutta. He (apparently) should have prepared a eulogy for a recently deceased
Armenian College school manager, but at the graveside he failed to do so. He
was heavily criticised and dismissed for his apparent deliberate snub. This was
around the time Archbishop Avazdian was on a
pastoral visit to Calcutta. He invited Valarshak to teach
at the Central School in Julfa which he did for several years. Returning again
to Calcutta to teach at the Armenian College between 1911 and 1919. Three of
his children were born in Calcutta and Carr Phillipps was listed as a Godfather
to the youngest, Carine Galoostian who was born in 1918. In 1919 Valashak became
very sick, took six months leave and went to Japan with his family. On the
advice of Carr
Phillips, from there he migrated to California, it was Carr Phillipps’s name
and address that was used by them as next of kin on the passenger list.

38 Theatre Road, the palatial home of Carr Phillipps.
It was even a port-in-a-storm for a visiting actress and her daughter in August
when recently widowed Georgie Devoe and her daughter Charlotte toured India. During
their time in Calcutta, Carr extended accommodation to them at his home at
Theatre Road.
This was probably one of the last pieces of hospitality offered by Carr at this
property, because by September 1920 Babu Keshoram Poddar, a local millionaire,
had purchased it. Poddar donated the use
of the house to visiting President-elect Lala Lajput Rai, which allowed him and
his entourage to stay during the Congress week.
Throughout his life, kindness, generosity and great care and consideration was
how he appears to have conducted himself. The phrase ‘a fool and his money
are soon parted’ could easily refer
to Carr; for someone so successful in his business life, he was an utter
shambles in his personal life. His intentions were good, but his judgements
were poor.
It wasn’t long before the wheels came off
in his commercial world. As a
true gentleman, he readily agreed to stand as one of three sureties in the case
of Robert Church. In 1923 Church was accused of “illegal gratification and
cheating” and his bail was set extremely high. Three Armenians; J.N. Apcar,
J.C. Galstaun and Carr Phillipps each agreed to stand Rs50,000 each to help him
out. Church was a former mining engineer
for the Railway Board in India. In the 1920s he found himself being extradited
from England to India to answer charges of contract fixing and bribery of coal deals
and falsely inflating prices so he could make personal gain other than his
normal wages. Apcar, Galstaun and Phillipps would have had regular dealings
with Church as they all supplied coal for the railways from their respective
mines. I haven’t looked into this case
in detail, but I do wonder if they were involved somehow in inflating coal
prices. For the curious amongst you, this avenue would be an interesting piece
of research to conduct.
It was at this time that Carr had diversified his interests. He was quick to
see the interest and popularity of motor cars, having been an owner himself for
over 15 years, he decided to invest. He
regularly ran advertisements in the local Calcutta newspapers, extolling the
virtues of the Lancia. Cost price
Rs24,000, he was offering them at Rs12,000 each. If you bought 12 at the same
time, you’d get a 10% discount. Ever the eternal optimist, I wonder if he may
have mis-judged his audience, and marketing strategy a little.

Diversifying in the 1920s, the Lancia was the car of choice for Phillipps to
sell. Image: Carr’s personal motor car was one he sold, the Lancia Kappa 35 HP.
Courtesy of Zenon Moucessian’s family archive.
As an alternative source of potential profit, In 1927, sensing he may be able
to make some money, he entered into negotiations with the Christian Burial
Board and the Calcutta Corporation regarding 150 Bighas of land he owned near
Golf Club Road, Tollygunge. The
Christian Burial Board were desperate for additional land for cemeteries, Carr
suggested they purchase it from him for that purpose, they ended up taking 75
Bighas from him, the equivalent of nearly 47 acres, it now forms part of the
current Tollygunge Cemetery, a small section of it is dedicated to Armenian
Carr was immensely successful for a number of years in the coal fields around
Dhanbad, but the turning point in that success was when J.C. Galstaun got into
financial difficulties. He called upon
his wealthy Armenian friends and it was Carr Phillipps and Arratoon Stephen,
who came to his financial rescue; Carr took a Rs40,000 mortgage and loaned
Galstaun that sum. Galstaun died soon after and his estate was not in
sufficient funds to repay Carr. It
appears that it was not something he publicly commented on, and stoically
absorbed the debt. It was a large contributing factor to his loss of wealth.
Galstaun, who, although not directly related, was familiar in Carr’s family
circle. A sister of Carr’s had married Mackertich Galoostian, he being a
brother of J.C. Galstaun.
During his lifetime, Carr yearned for personal happiness and fulfilment, but
this seems to have eluded him, certainly during his marriage to Elizabeth.
However, in a surprise move, I have discovered he married a second time in
September 1920 in Berlin to a young German woman called Martha Heike.

German 1920 marriage record for Carr Phillipps and Martha Heike
I speculate she may have been in the entertainment industry, just as Georgie
Devoe and her daughter Charlotte had been, and I wonder if Martha was one of
the acting, singing/dancing troupe that entertained in India. I say that
because Martha is on a passenger list for 1915 on the vessel St. Louis sailing
from Liverpool to New York. It states she was going to visit her friend C.E.
Jenkins at 2880 Broadway. This was a well-known haunt for artists, performers
and theatre-wannabe’s to meet and get work. She had listed Carr as her husband
which clearly, he was not.
The marriage in 1920 would have been controversial; so soon after the end of
WW1, her German heritage would not have been popular in India, there was still
great suspicion of German nationals.
During WW1, Carr would have
witnessed the exclusion and removal of a number of perfectly hard-working and
innocent Germans from Calcutta, in almost all cases, anyone with German
heritage (or married to a German national) was classed as a spy and traitor and
treated poorly. So far, nothing has come to light that would indicate Martha
lived in Calcutta, but I know the Moucessian family still have a lot of
untapped papers to review, maybe evidence will appear in the future. Earlier, in 1912 Carr had successfully
obtained naturalisation in India as a British Subject.
In 1923, Carr had officially applied for
British naturalisation, and this was granted to him on the 11 June of that year
in London.
He passed away at his home 8/2 Alipore Park Road on the 17th April
1937 of heart failure following coronary sclerosis. He was buried the same day
at the Armenian Church, Park Circus, known locally in the community as the
‘small church’. Carr had made a very
detailed will in February 1930, in which he appointed his beloved nephew
Valashak Galoostian and Hyrapiet Crete (noted in the document as a “friend” but
he was actually a cousin) as executors. He left very clear and precise
instructions and legacies, and it is obvious he thought he had completed his
last will and testimony with the utmost care and consideration as to how it was
to be administered. However, he had not bargained on BOTH his executors
renouncing their responsibilities to finalise the will. As soon as Valashak
received the news in California of Carr’s death, he replied by telegram that he
wished to decline and renounce, he offered his sister, Margaret as his
There were only a couple of legacies left by Carr. Firstly, 25,000 Rupees went
to the Armenian College & Philanthropic Academy in Calcutta. Two further legacies of 1,000 Rupees each
went to his nephews, Arathoon Aviet Phillipps and his brother Gregory Aviet
Phillipps. Carr also ensured that his
wife Martha was to receive an allowance of £50.00 per month; a not
insignificant sum. The remainder of his
entire estate was to be split between his nephew in California, Valarshak
Galoostian who was to received 3/5th share and his niece,
Valarshak’s sister, Margaret who was to receive 2/5th share.
Initially the estate looked promisingly healthy, Margaret’s testamentary
affidavit claimed the gross estate value to be Rs 1821299-3-11, but factoring
in the liabilities of Carr, it quickly became clear that these far exceeded the
There does not seem to be any immediate family in Calcutta either willing or
able to help settle his estate. Carr’s wife, Martha was permanently living in Berlin,
Germany. His nephews, Arathoon and
Gregory Phillipps,
who had been living with Carr and whose
education at the Armenian College & Philanthropic Academy had been fully
funded and sponsored by Carr,
appear to have minor roles in the winding up of the estate. The household sale and auction of possessions
took place in April 1938, instructions for the sale were issued by Arathoon
Phillipps’s solicitors, Messrs. N.C. Bural & Pyne, which is at odds with the
estate solicitors appointed by Carr himself, of Orr, Dignam & Co. In my conversations with Zenon over email, there
certainly seemed to be resistance and conflict between Margaret and the two
nephews in-situ in Calcutta. They pushed for the sale to take place, whilst
Margaret wasn’t so keen. Incidentally,
you will notice that the entire household furniture owned by Carr had been made
by J.E. Tomlin & Co. A sideways Armenian
connection here is that John Edward Tomlin, a well-known and respected cabinet
maker of Calcutta, had married a young Armenian girl, Florence Isabelle
Michael. Tomlin’s own sister, Maria, had
married another Armenian from Calcutta called Catchick Owen Moses. Carr, ever
the Armenian patriot clearly liked to keep his Armenian connections to the
fore. He lived in India all his life, his heart a long way from his homeland,
but never far away from his community.
Letters of Administration were only granted in August 1939.

Image courtesy of Zenon Moucessian’s family archive.
The estimate of the estate value dropped to around Rs 921,000. To add to matters, Martha had passed away in
Berlin in March 1938. With the estate still not finalised, fresh Letters of
Administration were granted in February 1942. Carr’s estate value had been re-adjusted
again to reflect his business losses and was now valued at just Rs 29,000.
Margaret was a key part in getting the estate finalised, dedicating an enormous
amount of time and effort in doing so and it is through her foresight the her
family today have a rich archive of family papers that help to unravel Carr’s
Elizabeth and Carr could so easily have been an incredible asset to the local
community through the many good works and charitable efforts Carr undertook,
particularly with his commitment to Armenians in Calcutta; the potential for a
modern-day power couple was within their gift. But Elizabeth was young,
immature and selfish, she felt stifled in the gilded world she found herself
in. Carr, for his part, appears inexperienced, and was overly possessive with a
strong streak of jealousy coursing through his veins and, what seems to be, a
life-abundance of naivety. Life crumbled for both of them and the fall-out from
their failed marriage reached far across the oceans and changed the direction
of many lives. Their adopted daughter, little Bertha Rackstraw, would have had
a very different life and lifestyle had she stayed in India, Carr would no
doubt have spoilt her and given her a more fortunate upbringing than that of
her maternal family.
Ironically, Elizabeth settled into life in suburbia and became the respectable
wife and mother Carr had always wanted her to be – she just didn’t do it with
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”
Sir Walter Scott
London, England, Church of
England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1923
London, England, Church of England Marriages and
Banns, 1754-1932
Church Marriage Register No. 555 also N11-9a-100-60
[i] I
found a family tree belonging to Zenon Moucessian on a genealogy website. I reached out to him via the messaging
system, and what has developed since then has been truly amazing. Zenon was keen and excited to share with me
his family archive containing information on Carr Phillipps, as well as other
unknown information. I would like to
think I’ve helped piece a few things together and given the family an even more
detailed insight into Carr’s life and marriage.
I cannot thank Zenon enough for his generosity and ceaseless patience
with me and all my questions. His
family archive is a perfect example of how these long ago acquired papers can
finally make sense and come to life, with a little bit of work and
research. Zenon had already done a lot
himself, focusing on Carr, but my interest (initially) was with who Elizabeth
Burrows was. At the time of writing this blog article, there were still many
papers in Zenon’s archive to review and scan, something his family will be
doing on the coming weeks and months.