Over the
years, a great deal has been written about Gauhar Jaan the Indian singer and
dancer. Introductions to her early life are usually her baptism name, her
father’s name and that she was of “Armenian descent”. Let’s take a look and see where that
statement originates. A quick search in Google and the first page to appear is
Wikipedia. Her name was Angelina Yeoward, born 26th June 1873 in Azamgarh, her father was William Robert Yeoward, and
she was of Armenian descent.
I followed the citations used for this information, and these are:
As far as I
can see, the book by Vikram Sampath does not have a source cited, and the
article by Savitha Gautam only refers back to the book.
I do not
attempt to write anything new about Gauhar Jaan and her career, there are many
people who have done that already and made an excellent job of it. What I have
done is taken a look at the Yeoward family name she was born with and I explore
the persistent “half Armenian” claim she is so connected to.
In the book
My name
is Gauhar Jaan! it
recalls the case of Gauhar Jaan regarding a claim about unpaid cloth in 1890
where her mother, Malka Jaan gave evidence:
her elaborate testimony in the Court of Banaras, Malka made the following
‘In this Court of the Munsif at Benares (#545 of the year
1889)—Makhan Lall Vs. Gowhar Jan. Statement of the defendant Malka, a witness
for the defendant on 26 June 1890 on oath under Act X of 1873 administered by
Gouri Sunker, peon. Present Babu Bipin Behari Mukherjee himself. The defendant
gives her name to be Malka Jaan, class Tawaif, residence Mohalla, Lower
Chitpore Road, Calcutta; age 32 years, occupation: that of her class. She is
literate and states as follows:……………. ………I was a Christian at first and now I
am an Armenian; and when I was a Christian my name then was Adeline Victoria
Adelina Victoria Hemmings aka Malka Jaan. Image: Mirinal Pande |
This is a confusing and contradictory statement. An Armenian
is a Christian, they are not two separate denominations as stated by Malka Jaan.
What was she saying exactly? It would seem she didn’t appear to know. By living
in the area of Calcutta where other Armenians lived, doesn’t make you an
Armenian. On checking the Church registers for the period 1876 to 1889 for
baptism conversions (for example, from another religion to Christianity), there
is nothing to indicate that Malka Jaan had been baptised into the Armenian
Church and therefore no evidence she could legitimately call herself
A few years
later, in 1911 there was an inheritance court case where Gauhar Jaan was
challenged by a supposed brother to an inheritance of her mother Malka Jaan. Gauhar Jaan’s accuser, was a man called
Bagaloo. He argued that Gauhar Jaan was not the legitimate child of Malka Jaan,
but rather he was. He further claimed that as he was legitimate, he should be
entitled to the whole of the estate left by Malka Jaan. However, he continued
to argue that if it was found that Gauhar Jaan was the daughter of Malka Jaan,
then he (Bagaloo) was entitled to a part of the estate. Bagaloo argued that in
1870, Malka Jaan came to Calcutta and Gauhar Jaan was born of an Armenian
gentleman. As the court case progressed, no one other than Bagaloo referred to
Robert Yeoward as Armenian, the Court records refer to him as European or
Eurasian, but never Armenian. Why would
Bagaloo say this? Perhaps because he was
simply clutching at every straw he possibly could to try and win the case and get
the money. Perhaps he actually believed it.
Gauhar Jaan’s mother Malka Jaan, probably wasn’t aware of Robert’s true
background and identity and, of course, there is always the possibility that he
positively encouraged her to think he was Armenian. Whichever scenario it was, the label Armenian
has stuck over the years. Many books, articles, publications, news reports,
documentaries, tall stories, short stories, most stories have all claimed
Gauhar Jaan to be of Armenian heritage.
days of the hearing passed, the end result was the case being thrown out of
court by the Judge. He felt the evidence given by the hopeful accuser
was not to be believed and Gauhar Jaan won. During the hearing, much was made
and discussed about her lineage and even though she had not been in touch with
or seen her father during the course of her life, remarkably, she was able to
find him and persuade him to attend Court to give evidence. Shaky though it
was, he managed to convince the Judge of his status and respectability. In
Court, he freely admitted that he had given his grandfather’s name, William
Henry Yeoward, on the marriage certificate with Adelina, instead of his
father’s name of Charles William Yeoward.
This effectively confirmed his Yeoward lineage and he managed to brush
away this mistake as nerves. Indeed,
there was some ambiguity regarding how he remembered his own father and
grandfather, and even how his own name was spelt.
Yeoward, was cross-examined by Mr. A.N. Chaudhuri appearing for Bagaloo.
Chaudhuri said “in connection with the statement he (Robert) made on
Wednesday regarding his father’s name he mixed up his grandfather’s name with
his father’s name. Where he should have given his father’s name he gave his
grandfather’s name. Ellen Angelina was
the name of his daughter.”
“Can you tell me how she calls herself Allen Angelina?
I cannot
How do you spell your name?
In this letter (shown) you have spelt your name Zearward
Yeoward: That
is due to my hand shaking
To confuse matters even further, I believe the name 'Zeoward/Zearward' to be a typesetting error with the newspaper report at the time. This contributes negatively to the point being made by Counsel,a nd further accentuates Robert's inability to credit himself and also help defend Gauhar Jaan. In earlier reports of this case, the same newspaper used the name 'Zeard' instead of Yeoward. At times, Robert
Yeoward does not appear to come over particularly confidently, this may have
been interpreted as him having something to hide. Perhaps he did, but it wasn’t
anything to do with his legitimate daughter Gauhar Jaan.
The whole of
the far-fetched side of Bagaloo’s case was deemed unbelievable by Justice
Stephen and his claim to being Gauhar Jaan’s half sibling was dismissed as
whatever reason, Yeoward did nothing to counter the Armenian claim of Bagaloo.
It would seem no one actually checked that allegation during the court case,
and subsequently over the years it has carried on being repeated, and the
blurred lines of untruths has become definitive lines of [supposed] truth today.
As you will
see, it is hardly any wonder Robert was confused about his own parentage, his
near ancestors were far more liberal than perhaps people were normally back in
this down logically and factually, my aim was to trace the Yeoward name.
Firstly, having looked extensively at the Armenian records in India, there are
NO entries for the name Yeoward. This is no surprise as it is not an Armenian
name. There is no Armenian equivalent and it is not anglicized (like so many
Armenian names have been) to make it a Western name. In fact, the Yeoward lineage
in India stems from one English migrant. That of William Yeoward.
Henry Yeoward boarded the Indiaman Warren Hastings in mid-January 1809,
along with other passengers and soldiers,
all with the purpose to make their way to India. In all, there were 200 people
on board. It had anchored off Portland on the Dorset coast, along the south of
England for 3 weeks before sailing to a rendezvous point called Motherbank.
This was a stretch of water between the Isle of Wight and Portsmouth, in
Hampshire. Here, it waited for the right conditions as well as other vessels in
the convoy to finish preparations before it finally left the Solent on the 22nd
February 1809. Other
ships in the convoy were Sirius, True Briton, Cumberland, Sealeby Castle,
Neptune, Perseverance, Nottingham, Carnatic, Lord Duncan, Lord Melville, Lady
Castlereagh and Baring. What
a sight those sailing ships would have been as they glided majestically along
the coast into the English Channel, onward to France and past Spain, Portugal
and beyond.
Sailing ship Warren Hastings. Credit: National Maritime Museum, London via artuk.org |
On board the
Warren Hastings were 194 soldiers as well as a number of civilian
passengers. The mixed military and civilians had 5 months of sailing ahead of
them. William Yeoward and fellow traveller James Higgins, had signed up as
volunteers for the Pilot Service in India.
The ship
sailed in to Diamond Harbour, Calcutta on the 18th July 1809.
Within three months of his arrival, William had met and married Nelly Porter
(nee Nicolson). She had been widowed in 1808 when her first husband, William
Porter died aged only 24. William Yeoward and Nelly married in October 1809,
but two years later Nelly eloped. An indignant William placed a newspaper
advert in the Calcutta Morning Post:
“whereas my wife Eleanor Yeoward having eloped from her dwelling, on the 7th
instant, without any just cause or provocation, this is to give notice, that I will not discharge any debt or debts
which she may contract, after the date thereof. Any person or persons who may
have any claim or demands on her, are requested to make their demands, within
forty-eight hours, otherwise they will not be discharged. October 16, 1811.
William Yeoward.”
Nelly did
not return to Yeoward. By 1813 Nelly had a son by a James Campbell. The child
also named James Campbell, never got to see his father, he having died when he
was an infant. Nelly only survived until 1817, but astutely she made a will in
which she made generous provision for her young son. Thus, ensuring William
Yeoward could not make a claim on his wayward wife’s estate. It was very much a
case of what wasn’t contained in the Will, no mention or references to
any Yeoward, only her Campbell son. Eleanor was buried in South Park Cemetery,
married for the second time in 1822,
to Elizabeth Eastwood who was also widowed. Together they had eight children:
William Yeoward – 1819
John Henry Yeoward – 1820
George Milchier Yeoward – 1822
John Richard Yeoward – 1823
Martha Matilda Yeoward – 1825
Alexander Edmond Yeoward – 1826
Emelia Yeoward – 1828
Sarah Yeoward – 1829
Their first
born, Charles William Yeoward married, or had relationships with at least four
The first,
Charlotte Curtain, he married in 1841. He had three children with Charlotte.
William, born in Bareilly in October 1842 but sadly died in November of that
year. Louisa born in August 1846 in Delhi. She went on to married twice, first
to Thomas Marshall in 1861 in Dacca and then later to Henry Ceasar in Benares
in 1868. Louisa died of consumption in Allahabad in January 1870. The third child was Robert William Yeoward
born 1852, more of him presently. Charlotte died in February 1855 in Peshawar
she was 28 years old.
quickly re-married to Catherine Domingo nee Antony in July 1855 in Peshawar. It
is unknown when Catherine died, but Charles is next associated with Anna who
died of fever in September 1873 in Dinapore, aged 65 years. His fourth liaison
was with a woman who was born a Hindu,
but took the name Rebecca Stevens. She was 31 years old. They married in December
1873 in Dinapore and had a daughter named Emily born in 1876. Emily went on to
marry Henry Lewis in September 1892. Rebecca died in Bankipore on the 3rd
February 1897 having accidentally set herself on fire, dying from the severe
effects of burns.
At the time
of writing this story, there was no birth record available to view for Robert
William Yeoward. I believe he is likely to have been born in Peshawar, he was
only three when his mother died. As can be seen, his father re-married only
months after Charlotte’s death. As a Drummer with the 4th Regt.
Native Infantry, Charles regularly moved around India. For Robert, whose life
involved 3 step-mothers, it really is no wonder he was a little vague in the Gauhar
Jaan Court case.
1872 and 1874 Robert Yeoward worked for Sheriff & Company. Robert married
Adelina Hemmings on the 10th September 1872 in Allahabad.
Image British Library. N1-141-66 marriage record of Robert Yeoard and Adelina Hemmings |
Adelina was
the daughter of Eliza Hemmings. Using the 1911 court case as a reference point,
it was claimed that Eliza set up home with an Army Officer called Hardy
Hemmings with whom she had two daughters, Adelina who was also known as Bikki
and a second daughter called Bella.
A British
Army Officer based in India should have some sort of footprint, not least, a
record or notice of how he acquired his position as officer. For instance, did
he start at the bottom and work his way up the ranks? If so, promotions were
regularly advertised in both Indian and English newspapers in the Military
Public Notices sections. The official British publication for these
notifications was always the London Gazette. Using their excellent online
search tool, one is able to find any official Government notice, including
thousands of military posts. On searching, there are no notifications for Hardy
Hemmings as a British Officer in India. Furthermore, extensive searches through
Indian newspapers, such as The Times of India, The Calcutta Gazette, The Bombay
Courier, The Bombay Gazette, Colonies and India, Englishman’s Overland Mail,
Friend of India and Statesman, Home News for India, Madras Courier, Bangalore
Spectator, British Library Newspaper collection, all of the premium Gales
primary sources as well as newspapers and sources at ProQuest, have turned up
nothing about Hardy Hemmings. I truly question whether he was an officer, in
fact I question whether he actually existed and I suggest the possibility that
Eliza was simply a young woman that a British young man took advantage of. How
can it be stated, with any certainty, that a man named Hemmings was actually
the father of Adelina (Bikki) and Bella when there are no records to show this
as a fact? It can be seen from Eileen’s marriage record to Robert Yeoward that
the father’s name is missing and only Eliza’s name is listed. This type of
recording is usually made when the bride is illegitimate. Even if the father
had passed away, it is normally recorded with the name and a note he is
deceased. I think the 1911 court case
prosecution and defence concerning the family lineage were not fully
investigated, and too much was taken at face value without independent
background checks being made. If Hardy Hemmings did actually exist, he
certainly was not of Armenian origins, there are no records of Hemmings in the
Armenian records in India.
gave birth to Eileen (Gauhar Jaan) in June 1873
whilst Robert was away in Dacca. In 1873, he left Sheriff’s and went to work
for Shark and Sons in Dacca, but that business failed, and he went back to
Calcutta where he got a position with the Perseverance Ice Company. In 1876 his
wife Adelina wrote to him from Allahabad advising him that a local pleader in
Azamgarh, Tafasnl Hossain, wanted to finance an ice factory there. He immediately
gave his job up in Calcutta and returned to Allahabad to collect his heavily
pregnant wife and child. Together they went to Azamgarh. He secured a position
with the factory and lived onsite, his family were about 5 miles away in the
main town.
In October 1876
Robert and Adelina had another daughter in Azamgarh, whom they named Lily; a
sister to Eileen. Tragically, Lily lived for only 20 days. She died of a cold.
Image: British Library: n1-158-217 burial record of Lily Yeoward |
The court
case heard that Robert and Adelina separated and divorced around 1879, although
there were no records of the divorce account available for review.
By 1880 Robert
became an engineer working for Gladstone, Wyllie and Co. By 1887 he worked for
the Asiatic Steam Navigation Co.
In late 1887 he travelled back to England where he met Lena Quilfoy. They married
in January 1888 in Liverpool.
Marriage record of Robert Yeoward and Lena Quilfoy. Liverpool Records Office |
Robert and
Lena had a daughter Josephine Theodora in 1890, a half sister to Eileen (Gauhar
Jaan). In June 1912 Josephine married Edward Ladbrook Hurley, a Marine Officer,
at St. Thomas’s Church Calcutta.
Josephine and Edward had three children:
Alma Dorothea born in 1914, Rangoon
Edward Herbert born in 1915, Rangoon
Esther Marian born 1916 Calcutta and
lived only 1 month 13 days dying, 31st October 1916
remarried in 1918 to Albert Saldana at the Registrars Office, Calcutta.
Josephine died in July 1927 of pneumonia and was buried in the Lower Circular
Road cemetery.
Yeoward died in Dacca on 3rd May 1932, at 43 Grand Square, Dinapore Cantonment,
two years after his daughter Gauhar Jaan. Administration of his estate was
granted to Alma Dorothea Hurley, his grand-daughter and next of kin. Alma went on to marry Alwyn Francis Mcguire,
and she eventually settled in Canada where she died in July 1982 in New
Westminster, British Columbia.
The Yeoward
family name is English and the family can trace their lineage back to the north
of England.
Robert Yeoward had no Armenian in his blood line.
Eileen Yeoward aka Gauhar Jaan had no Armenian in her blood line.
Adeline Victoria Hemmings aka Malka Jaan had no Armenian in her blood line.
This is a
case of if you say it often enough, repeated it often enough, quote it often
enough, eventually the internet thinks it is true.
Jaan, was talented, smart, adventurous, and most importantly ground-breaking in
her art and culture, but, I’m sorry to say, she wasn’t Armenian.