ta seeking the benefit of the act of the ninth year of the reign of His late majesty George the fourth entitled an act to provide for the relief of Insolvent Debtors in the East Indies.
Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the faith and so forth.
Upon the application of Mr. Pearl attorney for an on behalf of the above named Insolvent and upon reading a petition and schedule an assignment the certificate of the Gaoler of the Calcutta jail and a certificate of Patrick Hanton Esquire the Examiner of this Court written at the foot of the said petition and a certificate of the attorney of the said Insolvent written at the foot of the said schedule filed this day. It is ordered that Saturday the fifth day of August next be appointed for hearing the matters of the said Petition. It is further ordered that notice of the day so appointed as aforesaid be personally served upon the detaining creditor and also upon all the other creditors of the said Insolvent stated in the said schedule to be resident in Calcutta or the suburbs thereof one month before the day so appointed for hearing as aforesaid.
It is further ordered that notice of the day so appointed as aforesaid be inserted once in the Englishman the Bengal Hurkaru and the Calcutta Exchange Gazette newspapers of Calcutta and also once in the Bengallee and English in the Bengallee Government Gazette printed at Serampore and once in the Bengallee Newspaper styled the Somachar Chundrica or in the Bengallee newspaper styled the Prohakurin the Bengallee and English language one month before the day so appointed as aforesaid and it is further ordered that the gaoler of the Calcutta gaol do upon being served with this order bring up the body of the said Insolvent before this Court on Saturday the fifth day of August next at the hour of eleven o’clock in the forenoon and in like manner from day to day until the further order of this Court to be examined before the said court pursuant to the stated in this behalf provided and it is further ordered that no creditor of the said Insolvent shall be allowed at the hearing to oppose his discharge unless he shall have given notice of his intention to the Chief Clerk three clear days before the day of hearing.
Witness Sir Lawrence Peel Knight Chief Justice at Fort William in Bengal the seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight.
Chief Clerk.