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Showing posts with label 1854. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1854. Show all posts

26 February 2014

David Melik Freedone Beglar v Arratoon Harrapiet Arrathoon 1854

David Melik Freedone Beglar sues Arratoon Harrapiet Arrathoon in Dacca 1854.

Mr. D.M.F. Beglar – Decreeholder
Mr. Arratoon Harrapiet Arrathoon – defendant.

To: The Sheriff of Calcutta
Civil Courts.


With reference to the warrant issued to you from this Court on the 27 June 1849 in the above case, I have the honour to forward to you a Roobkaree from the Principal Sudder Ameen of thes District dated 19 May last, soliciting at the request of the Decreeholder, that the amount of the Decree Rs. 1947-8-4-6 therein referred to, may with interesting, be realised from the effects of Mr. Arratoon Harrapiet Arrathoon Defendant, advertised for sale by you in satisfaction of a Decree in favour of Bebee Catherine Arrathoon.

I have the honour to be sir your most obedient servant
The Judge.
Zillah Dacca
The 14th July 1854.