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Showing posts with label Johannes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johannes. Show all posts

12 April 2015

Armenians of Rangoon Raise Much Needed Funds for the Armenian Refugees' Relief Fund in 1916

Today in 2015, as the Armenian communities around the world prepare to remember the enormous loss of life that took place between 1915 and 1923 in the massacres of the Ottoman Empire Against the Armenians, it is interesting to see that even small communities in far off lands did what they could to send funds back to Armenia. Armenians in Rangoon tried to help the refugees in this devastating period of history. It is of course uncomfortable to think that some danced whilst others suffered and died 4,000 miles away, but those in Rangoon simply had no real idea of what was truly happening to their fellow Armenians.

The Rangoon Gazette 30 October 1916



A very well attended and enjoyable fancy dress dance took place at the Armenian Club on Friday night in aid of the Armenian Refugees’ Relief Fund.  The spacious dancing hall on the upper floor of the club house had been attractively decorated by Mr. S. Vertannes and other members of the club.  The occasion marked the presentation also of a Bull from the Catholicos of the Armenian Church to Mrs. Tarleton and Mrs. McCarthy, in recognition of their services to the Armenian cause.  Mrs Tarleton was not present, being at home in Ireland, but Mrs. McCarthy was present and the Bull, which was read in Armenian by the Rev. Vahan Aghan, priest of the Armenian Church in Rangoon, was presented to her by Mr. Manook who previously read an English translation of it.

The Bull, which had the official seal of the Catholicos George V, and bore his signature was as follows:

“George V, the Servant of Jesus Christ and, by the grace of God Catholicos of all the Armenians and Patriarch of the Holy Convent of Etchmiadzine, to excellent Mrs. Tarleton and Mrs. McCarthy sojourning at Rangoon, patriarchal greetings and blessings from the Apostolic and Catholic Church of Etchmiadzine.

Just as the heart of an afflicted father (like a spring flower refreshed by drops of rain) rejoices and puts on new vitality, so my afflicted father’s heart is rejoiced greatly at the news of the self-devoted efforts of you two ladies of another race, who have entirely laid aside your personal comfort and have brought your ardour to the assistance of a good object as perfect disciples of our great and loving Master, Jesus Christ, and have added your comfort to our sons and daughters in affliction, whose groanings and lamentations have reached so far, even unto you.

As a pledge of my appreciation of your sisterly efforts to alleviate the suffering of my children, exiles from the home of their fathers, I with my Patriarchal Bull express to my daughters in Christ my heartfelt thanks.  I bless you and pray to God to give you more and more grace and strength to carry out more and more Christian works to satisfy the various needs of my afflicted children.

May God raise up others as compassionate (as you) to co-operate with you, and for the accomplishment of this wish I will be always joined with you in prayer and rejoicing.

Wishing you good health, may you grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and be blessed through me for ever and ever. Amen.”

In making the presentation Mr. Manook dwelt upon the valuable help Mrs. McCarthy had rendered to the Armenians and the great gratitude felt by the Armenian community.

Mrs. McCarthy thanked Mr. Manook for his remarks after which cheers for Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. Tarleton and Mrs. Vertannes were given. Mrs. McCarthy was presented on her arrival with a handsome bouquet by Miss Vertannes.

Among those present at the dance were all the leading members of the Armenian community and their families, except the present of the club, Mr. W. Shircore who is convalescing from the results of a recent serious operation, much regret being expressed at his absence.  There were fifteen dances on the programme which was augmented by a number of extras, and this made the dancing run into the early hours.  Amongst the many original and effective costumes, and there were many handsome ones, that of Miss Lake as a Kashmir girl was particularly striking and to her was awarded the prize for ladies, a handsome brooch with precious stones, presented by Messrs. Coombes Company Limited.  The costumes of Mrs. M. Minus, Miss A. Minus, Miss Vertannes, Mrs. Harding, Miss K. Jordan and several others were so good that the judging required some time.  It took place after the tenth dance when all paraded before the judges.  If the judging of the ladies costumes was difficult that of the gentlemen’s was more so, but it narrowed down to Mr. Mathews of Messrs. Rowe and Company as a clown, J. Johannes as a Hebrew, Mr. Vertannes and Mr. Bowman, Mr. Johannes winning the prize, a gold cigarette case presented by Messrs. P. Orr and Sons.  The catering was done by Mr. M. David of the Criterion Hotel and left nothing to be desired.

The result of the dance was stated to be very gratifying and the proceeds, which are expected to go over Rs.500, will be forwarded to the secretary for the Armenian Refugees’ Relief Fund to be sent to the Catholicos of all the Armenians for distribution.

To learn more about the genocide of the Armenians please take a look at the following sites or simply google 'Armenian genocide'.

02 March 2014

Extracted from Oriental Commerce: 1813

Merchants Resident in Calcutta.

The British merchants resident in Calcutta are a respectable and enterprising class of men, many of whom are possessed of large and independent fortunes, in the acquisition of which they have displayed those merchant talents, and that enterprising spirit, which are the characteristic of the British nation.  The following are the principal houses.

Alexander & Co                            Joseph Barretto & Co                                  Robert Campbell 
Campbell, Hook, & Co                   Mackintosh,Fullon, & Co                            William Hollings
Colvins, Bazett & Co                     Mathew & Co                                              John King 
De Verinne, Pere & Fils                 Palmer & Co                                               Stephen Laprimaudaye 
Downie, Crullenden & Co              Peter Lumsdain & Co                                  Robert Lawson 
Fairlie Fergusson & Co                  Reid Price & Co                                          John Mackenzie 
Francis & Gabriel Vrignon              James Scott & Co                                       James McTaggart 
Hogue Davidson & Co                   Sinclair,Inglis & Co                                      E.A. Roussac 
Johannes Sarkies & Co                
Charles Blaney

The Armenians are considered the most numerous body of foreign merchants in Calcutta; they carry on an extensive commerce with all parts of India and China, and are extremely diligent and attentive in business.  They are considered to have the most accurate information from other parts, of any body of merchants.  The principal houses are

Moses C. Arackel                            Simon Phanoos Bagram                             Narcis Johannes
Sarkies Johannes                            Abraham Avitmall                                       Aratoon Joseph Camell
Carrapit Chatoor                             Z.J. Shircore                                                 S & Petruse Carapiets
Car. Muckertich Morat                   Stephen Aratoon                                          J.M.Simeon.     

26 February 2014

Gregory Arrakiel petitions on behalf of his children for the return of some silver spoons - 1824.

The humble petition of Johannes Gregory, Carapiet Gregory, Catchick Gregory, and Hurprisimah Gregory, infants

Most humbly sheweth

In the petition which your petitioners presented unto your worship yesterday contain articles were omitted in the specification. We therefore humbly beg leave to present this petition and allege and please your worships take the same into your worships consideration that three table and four tea silver spoons each of your petitioners were purchased from the interest of the certain legacy bequeathed by your petitioners late paternal uncle Mr. Carrapiet Arrakiel the spoons also have been seized taken and removed by the person on your worship’s bailiff who made the seizure as aforesaid and have carried them.

Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that your worships will be pleased to direct that the above mentioned spoons be released from the seizure upon due investigation.

And your petitioners shall ever pray.
11 February 1824

Johannes, Carrapiet + Beckton Sarkies - 1816

Ramdial Roy – Plaintiff
Johannes Sarkies, Carrapiet Sarkies and Beckton Sarkies – defendants

To JW Fuller Esqr

Sir Be pleased under the writ of fieri facias issued in the above cause to seize in the hands of Captain Roberts of the ship Harriet now lying at Diamond Harbour all and singular the debts and sum and sums of money owing and payable to him to the abovenamed defendants or to any or either of them and also all goods property and effects belonging to them or any or either of them respectively in his the said Captain Roberts hands possession or power.

I am sir your obedient servt
Atty for the Plaintiff
18 November 1816

Insolvency of Henry George Kinsey Captain of the Barque 'Johannes Sarkies' 1848

Exhibit B referred to in the annexed affidavit of Arrakiel Gentloom Aviet Summon this 31 day of July called before me.

In the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at Calcutta.

In the matter of the Petition of Henry George Kinsey late of Howrah in the twenty four Purgunnah Master Mariner and late Commander of the Barque Johannes Sarkies and now a prisoner confined in the common gaol of Calcutta seeking the benefit of the act of the ninth year of the reign of His late majesty George the fourth entitled an act to provide for the relief of Insolvent Debtors in the East Indies.

Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the faith and so forth.

Upon the application of Mr. Pearl attorney for an on behalf of the above named Insolvent and upon reading a petition and schedule an assignment the certificate of the Gaoler of the Calcutta jail and a certificate of Patrick Hanton Esquire the Examiner of this Court written at the foot of the said petition and a certificate of the attorney of the said Insolvent written at the foot of the said schedule filed this day. It is ordered that Saturday the fifth day of August next be appointed for hearing the matters of the said Petition. It is further ordered that notice of the day so appointed as aforesaid be personally served upon the detaining creditor and also upon all the other creditors of the said Insolvent stated in the said schedule to be resident in Calcutta or the suburbs thereof one month before the day so appointed for hearing as aforesaid.

It is further ordered that notice of the day so appointed as aforesaid be inserted once in the Englishman the Bengal Hurkaru and the Calcutta Exchange Gazette newspapers of Calcutta and also once in the Bengallee and English in the Bengallee Government Gazette printed at Serampore and once in the Bengallee Newspaper styled the Somachar Chundrica or in the Bengallee newspaper styled the Prohakurin the Bengallee and English language one month before the day so appointed as aforesaid and it is further ordered that the gaoler of the Calcutta gaol do upon being served with this order bring up the body of the said Insolvent before this Court on Saturday the fifth day of August next at the hour of eleven o’clock in the forenoon and in like manner from day to day until the further order of this Court to be examined before the said court pursuant to the stated in this behalf provided and it is further ordered that no creditor of the said Insolvent shall be allowed at the hearing to oppose his discharge unless he shall have given notice of his intention to the Chief Clerk three clear days before the day of hearing.

Witness Sir Lawrence Peel Knight Chief Justice at Fort William in Bengal the seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight.
Chief Clerk.